We have already arrived at the end of the first factor of the “Ilusión” project, so we held as finished the leadership factor.
Working on this factor, two weeks ago we had the pleasure of having as speaker to Gonzalo Serrats form OPE Consultores. His labour as speaker was to talk about the most important criteria when we talk about leadership, as well as, encourage the participants to reflect about it. However, today we had as speaker to Andoni Isasti, director of the company Cadinox in order to explain their personal experiences and the good practices inside of their company with the aim of transmit them to all the associates and incorporate them in our own houses.
With these two leadership sessions, we set as finished one of the first factors decided on the first macro session. Although we cannot forget about those facts that are for developing, the fact of shared project and the fact of communication, which are programmed to do during March and April.