One month and a half ago we started working the “Ilusión” project and since that moment, we continue collaborating, learning from each other’s and trying to promote the illusion.
During this afternoon session we have been working about the Shared Project factor, and we have discussed about the features that the project should have. The members that have participated at the event have shared their experiences and they have opened the way for working in the bases of a shared project in the session which will be celebrated in two weeks.
Ainhoa Zatarain, Head of Organisation Development in OPE Consultores has been in charge of the dynamics. Furthermore, Cruz Alberdi, from SIDENOR will be explaining the experience he has experimented on the plant of Azkoitia, in the session and how have been the 26th of march session. Cruz will present how the transformation of the culture has developed since the moment the company has put the people in the centre of the organisation.