On Wednesday 10 March we met via Teams to present the conclusions of the Value ShARE project. The presentation was made together with Cristina Martínez and Aritz Otsoa from OPE Consultants.
The session was attended by numerous members of Goierri Valley, specifically 18 people participated from 14 companies. Iker Estensoro and Joseba Amondarain, representatives of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, also took part in the meeting.
To frame the session, the attendees were put in context explaining the origin, objectives, and methodology of the Value ShARE project, followed by a detailed explanation on what the industry value chain analysis has been based on. This analysis has been carried out through different actions. On the one hand, a questionnaire has been carried out to companies of different typologies such as manufacturing companies, technical services, specialized technical services, general support services and innovation, knowledge, and technology agents. On the other hand, strategic outlook sessions have been developed by CAF, Arcelor Mittal and AMPO.
In the light of all this, conclusions have been drawn regarding the links with the region, areas for improvement, the main brakes, and levers in the development of the region's industry, challenges and opportunities and the effects of COVID-19. Based on these conclusions, some lines of action have been defined for the Goierri metal-mechanical industry, for which have been considered the Basque Government's 2017-2020 industrialization plan, the surveys, and strategic overviews, the Win&Win project, the PCTI Euskadi 2030, the Euskadi 2020 Agenda and the European industrial strategy. Some of the proposed projects are already underway, such as, the Eraldatuz project: Transforming leadership. The activation of others will be agreed in the forums and steering committee of the association.